Music Art

Music Art

Scales On a scale of one to ten, my musical knowledge is perhaps two. I play guitar, and sometimes pretty well, but I’m mostly a self-taught amateur who has a decent ear for chords. My only real foray into serious playing is that I like to learn new scales. I...
Circle Game

Circle Game

As I continue to play with these simple circles, I’m kind of surprised by what I come up with. All these simply start with a circle. No preliminary sketches, and truth be told, no actual idea.  First I drew two circles. I picked the green and blue from my custom...
Singing Squirrel

Singing Squirrel

I like to think most kids adopt a neighborhood squirrel at some point. We had a regular visitor during one childhood summer. We fed him nuts, and with each feeding he became more trusting of our relationship. Gaining confidence in our good will,...
Why Go Pro?

Why Go Pro?

A few years ago I wrote an article for the Christian Small Publishers Association Newsletter about what self-publishing authors should expect when contracting with a professional illustrator. The article was a walk through the process: initial consultation, fees,...
And Yet, I Don’t Really Like Peter Pan.

And Yet, I Don’t Really Like Peter Pan.

Please forgive me for using this image from last week, but a flying kid is still on my mind. My flying dream boy, along with my airplane and whimsical bird recollections, might  erroneously suggest that I harbor a secret desire to revert back to childhood. Or maybe...