Toys Were Us

Toys Were Us

I want a Cootie Bug . . . If you grew up Christmas observant, your annual ritual may have included the visit to Santa to share your memorized list of toys. If not, maybe you’ll still find something herein to appreciate. The Missouri History Museum in St. Louis...
Music in the Key of Whimsy

Music in the Key of Whimsy

Strings, Pipes, and Loud Clashing Cymbals!  So what’s with all these cartoony musicians I keep plastering all over social media? Thanks for asking. There is a bit of a backstory for why I do so many musical images, especially since I’m known more for...
True Colors

True Colors

 Meet John Gnagy. From five years old onward, a fair number of my Christmas or birthday gifts were art related. My talent was identified early, and encouraged with a variety of creative aids. On that fifth Christmas I received a deluxe John Gnagy art kit. John Gnagy...
Reformed Whimsy

Reformed Whimsy

Happy 499th! October 31 is the 499th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation. To be fair, to say Happy Anniversary is one-sided, as that turning point in history isn’t welcomed or celebrated by all. Yet through the past almost 500 years, more...
The Deal of the Arts

The Deal of the Arts

For What It’s Worth This self-portrait was painted by Rembrandt in 1660. It’s called the Altman Rembrandt, because it was bequeathed to The Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC) by Benjamin Altman. I assume to bequeath is to give for free, but I’m sure...